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User guide Autopilot for Xplane with ESP8266
Compile and upload
Use Arduino IDE to compile and upload the firmware.
In the Tools menu
- set CPU frequency to '160Mhz'
- set Flash Size to '1M (64K SPIFFS)' (if your ESP8266 device only have 512K flash, chose '512K (no SPIFFS)' and do not use the OTA upload)
Compile and upload to the autopilot.
Connecting and Configuration
The autopilot is plug & play, once it has been connected to the WiFi network.
The ESP8266 saves the last SSID and password. If no SSID or password has been saved, or the network is unreacable, the autopilot will go into Access Point mode.
You will then need to connect your PC to the network created by the autopilot.
- Select access point "AutopilotAP"
- browse to
- Configure WiFi
- Close configuration.
Setting up X Plane
X Plane UDP needs to bee confibured as default. The autopilot will do all required setting when connected.
The autopilot will listen for UDP multicast messages from X Plane send on IP Port 49707.
When messages is received, autopilot will send messages to configure DATA and DREF messages and setup IP address for autopilot.
OBS! The autopilot only uses 2.4G WiFi network. Do not connect the X Plane PC to a 5G WiFi. Only to 2.4G WiFi or to wired LAN. The autopilot and the X Plane PC must be on the same subnet.
Using Autopilot
The autopilot depends on the configuration of the selected aircraft. Some aircrafts do not have alle functions implemented - som aircrafts have bugs in the configuration. Autopilot cannot change or correct this.
Notes about X Plane 11:
The aircrafts in X Plane 11 have plenty of bugs. Here are some:
- MD82:
- The autothrotle on the cocpit does not reflect the status set by the autopilot box. The status is however set.
- B737:
- The Flight Director switch does not reflect the FD status when set by the autopilot box. The status is however set.
- B747:
- The Flight Director switch does not reflect the FD status when set by the autopilot box. The status is however set.
Display mode
The display mode has 4 modes. Press the Mode button to toggle thrue modes.
- Normal. Display setting for Autopilot and actual speed values (IAS TAS GS Mach)
- On route: Display settings for Autopilot and actual IAS, HDG ALT and V/S)
- Landing configuration: Display settings for Autopilot and settings for Flaps, Gear and breaks.
- Approach: Display settings for Autopilot and selected NAV and DME to ILS
Use the encoders to set the values for IAS, HDG, ALT and V/S
Pressing the top of the IAS encoder will toggle IAS between knots/h and Mach
Pressing the top of HDG encoder will set the autopilot HDG to actual HDG.
Fly with the autopilot
Select an aircraft - in X Plane 11 the MD82 has the fewest bugs!
- Set flaps one step down. Set NAV1 to the ILS of the runway.
- Configure the Autopilot. Ex. set IAS to 220, press the HDG encoder to select the pressent heading, set ALT to 4000 ft and V/S to 2000 ft/min
- Press V/S, HDG and ATHR - the AP and AUTO button should turn on.
- When pressing V/S, ALT will blink, until the set altidude is reached.
- Release the breaks and the aircraft stat roling.
- When reaching V1 the aircraft will take off.
- When ready retract gear.
- in 500 ft retract flaps.
- Turn the HDG encoder clockwise to a course 180 deg. from the takeoff course. The aircraft will turn right until the course is obtained.
- Continue flying untill the Ground slop indicator shows above the center. Continue 1 more minut.
- Turn the HDG encoder clockwise to the course of landing (same as start), and press APP button. APP and LOC will blink
- Reduce engine power by turning the IAS encoder counterclockwise (set flaps according to the speed - until full flaps)
- When the Locator catch the ILS, the LOC led will turn on. Whe on glide scope, the APP led wil turn on.
- in 1000 ft, set landing gear.
if everything is setup correct, you should be landing. Turn off ATHR, AUTO and AP and break until full stop.